Our Structure

United Methodist Church UK

The United Methodist Church is still organised in a methodical way using many of the structures introduced by its founder, John Wesley. However, the Church is quite pragmatic, and is willing to make changes where they seem desirable.

Structures are there to enable decision making that takes account of all concerns and views within the Church. No one is given supreme authority – consultation is vital. At the same time, churches cannot simply arrange their own affairs, but have some shared disciplines and ways of working.

United Methodist Church UK

The Local Church

The local church is the congregational place of worship, where United Methodist members and probationers are nurtured.

The Charge United Methodist Church UK

The Charge

A Charge  is a group of local churches, served by a team of Local Preachers, Local Pastors and a Senior Ordained Pastor.

The Mission Area United Methodist Church UK

The Mission Area Conference

The annual United Methodist Conference is the supreme decision making body of the Church. The  United  Methodist UK  Mission  Area  is  a  group  of  all  the  Local  Churches  in  the  United  Kingdom  and  Republic  of  Ireland. An appointed  District  Superintendent is  the  leader  of  the United   Mission  Area.