
Nurturing Committee is called to take care of our congregation members. They offer opportunities of fellowship, small groups, care, and activities to nourish the congregation.

Our 2019-2020 Programme

1. Membership CareTo promote unity and fellowship in the church, being there for each other in good and hard times
Promote devotion to fellowship
Promote teaching and prayer for spiritual growth, power, and effectiveness in the Christian life
Make fellowship a priority:
Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Nurturing the whole person and creating conducive worshiping environments
2. Congregational Development
  1. Meeting the whole congregation's spiritual growth needs through effective delivery of the Gospel
  2. To ensure that Charges achieve point 1 above by training and equipping lay people on the work and skills of the ministry.
  3. Promote interaction between charges, sharing preachers, resources, motivational strategies.
  4. Identifying motivational resource persons to deliver specific programmes, for different age groups.
  5. Involving young people and giving them time to develop skills and a voice in the church.
3. Leadership Development
  1. To develop dynamic new leaders of all ages.
  2. Seek to transform people’s lives into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
  3. Create opportunities for people to learn leadership skill through section meeting programmes
4. GivingTo promote planned giving.
Task Force on Giving to work all year-round covering topics on giving, tithing and harvest thanksgiving.
Charges to encourage teaching on giving in Sections prayer meetings.
Aim to raise harvest target of £240,000
5. Vibrant worshipTo encourage vibrant worship through:
  • Choirs -adults, youths and JSS.
  • Introduce musical instruments that appeal to young people.
  • Encourage young people to write and compose own songs